Art and Craft Shows
One of the perks of my new-ish job at an “arts hub”, is that I have yet another way to share my work! Around my birthday in 2022, I got to display several of my pieces in a small gallery on the 4th floor.

Then, around Christmas-time of that same year, I rounded up some talented friends and we put on our own “Crafty A.F.Fair” on Level 1.

And then this spring, I once again dusted off my Enchanted Garden photos and put them on display on the 2nd floor this time.

Sadly, they have been taken down for now, but they were sure a welcome pop of colour as we waited for spring to take hold here in the prairies!
One of my very talented and wonderful coworkers even took a video to promote my exhibition, and it makes my heart sing… 😉 (click on link below to view in Instagram)
Having the opportunity to display my work inspired me to dust off and frame all of my analog double image photography that I worked on waaay back in university. Fortunately, a fellow staff member also had some pieces that he wanted to exhibit… and a new show was born!

Pop on down to see the pieces in person and hear all about them. 😉
Anyhow. I am SO grateful for these opportunities, for the amazing people that I work with, and that places like this arts hub exist. If you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces shown, please contact me at . Keep art-ing!!!