Shout Out Time
I absolutely lovelovelove it when the people who actually read this blog go on to try some of my DIY projects… and THEN get back to me with their creations!!! Do you remember the ladies that tried making my reversible hostess aprons several years ago? A super cute way to patch together fat quarters or use fabric “scraps”, they each made one to suit their own personality… aren’t they just the bomb???

Well… this year, Wes and his wife Allison tried out my instructions for the Emperor Palpatine Robe with great success! Wes first messaged me to say that they had made a great Gandalf robe with two thrift store sheets for only $14! Apparently Wes drew, cut, and pinned the pattern while his wife did the sewing. “I might make the grandchildren little Jediβs next year! Β Or perhaps Hobbits,” he wrote. How awesome is that?!

Well… Wes just followed up with some Halloween photos that made me smile so much, I just had to share them (with permission, of course). Check it out! (I see he’s added a fabric “shawl” to give the robe more weight – well done!)

Isn’t that just THE BEST?!?!? π It makes me feel so great to have helped someone I’ve never even met. And that they created such a great piece with thrifted materials?! Fuhgeddaboudit! π Thanks, Wes and Allison! Keep up the great work you two!
Gee… now I’m wondering why nobody ever sent me photos of their own handmade iCarly tees? Because based on the interest in that project, they have GOT to be out there… Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? π Keep making the world a better place, y’all. π