Foxy, Take II

Foxy, Take II

So, last month whilst picking up sundries at the good ol’ WalMart, I happened to come across a single fat quarter of some really cute fabric.

Like the rest of the free world (or so it seems), I’ve really been digging foxes lately (check out the foxy scarf I made and have you seen these guys yet? SO cute!!! ♥). Anyway. I decided to buy the fabric and figure out what to do with it later. When later came, I thought I’d try to embellish a boring/plain black hoodie that I had.

First, I searched the web for a large, but simple font. After downloading High School USA (which is actually a little more elaborate than the sample suggested), I experimented with different sized letters in paper until I found the best fit/placement for the hoodie. Then I transferred the letters to the fabric by tracing them, trying to incorporate as many fox faces per letter as possible.

Next, I traced the letters onto some interfacing, making sure that I drew on the “wrong”/glue side of the interfacing. This is so that when ironed onto the “wrong” side of the fabric, the two “wrongs” would make a “right”. 😉 As you can see above, I also left about an 1/8th of an inch margin (I cut inside of my drawn lines) so that the fabric would go over all the edges of the interfacing easily – in the hopes that it would fray nicely after washing. And I also fit a heart into my piece. [In actuality, I cut out two series of letters and then adjusted the size of the heart so that I could fit two of them into the remaining fabric; all from the one fat quarter. Soooo… anybody want me to make them a foxy hoodie???]

Finally, I pinned the letters & heart into place and zig-zag stitched them onto the hoodie, trying to stitch at the edge of where the interfacing would be – leaving that 1/8th inch of interfacing-free fabric to fray.

Now, if you’re being really smart, you’ll have figured out that I totally put the heart in the wrong place…

If you put the heart too high on the back of the hoodie, naturally, the hood is going to cover it up (unless you’re wearing the hood all the time… which makes you look suspicious…) 😛 Woopsie. SO. I broke out my trusty seam ripper and repositioned the heart lower down on the back.

That’s much better. Even if it does kinda look like a “tramp stamp” now. 😉

I threw it into the wash and the edges of the foxy fabric frayed nicely – just a little bit, to give it some added texture. I trimmed the loose threads and wore it… all of once, on our holidays – because it was ridiculously hot for the whole trip!

But. I am looking forward to the upcoming crisp fall days, so that I can pounce on wearing it again. 🙂 Then today, I found a fat quarter with bunnies on it and I thought… if I made a hoodie with the word “HUG” on it, the Saskatchewan-ians would be pleased. 😉

There you have it. Yet another thing you can do with a single fat quarter. Happy sewing, y’all!

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