Lit Up: A Follow Up

Lit Up: A Follow Up

Hey, y’all. Long time no see. I guess it’s been a while since I last posted – 9 months, to be exact.  o.O  One would hope that during that time, something truly remarkable had been developing… but alas, no. I’m afraid that all I have been doing is the usual puttering around, adding a Katie touch here and there, while dealing with everyday life. I just thought it might be high time to do some updating about some of it. So, for today, let’s start with the art show.

Lit Up

As you may recall, last November I participated in my first art show in 20+ years. I won’t bore you with all the gory details. Suffice to say, it was… an experience.

Preparation for the show was intense: figuring out what to exhibit (which images, what formats, sizes, quantities, presentation, etc.), getting things produced on time, deciding what to charge for items… and then getting up at the crack of dawn on the day of the show to load up the van and drive it all down for set up (not to mention having to referee sibling squabbles between my sons over the phone on more than one occasion). Then there were miscommunications with the ladies who were overseeing the event, which left me feeling… unsettled and frustrated. By the time we got home that afternoon, had a late lunch, and got cleaned up… it was time to turn around and head back down for the reception, in a somewhat frazzled state. OY.

The opening night reception was fun, but somewhat overwhelming. As you can see above, the gallery was beautiful and the event very well attended – more so than either I or my husband had anticipated. However, exhaustion + introversion = a complete schmoozing fail, on my part at least. Although I was exceptionally happy to see friends and celebrate the achievement with them (thanks again for coming, you guys!!!), I’m afraid I had little left in my tank to properly enjoy the evening, promote my work or that of the accompanying artists, let alone party into the wee hours with everyone… *sigh*

The Lit Up artists (L to R): Rebecca Pickard, Dave Duncan, Milena Vasquez, Ron Blazek, Adena Irving, Robyn Duncan, myself, and Dave Ware. Not pictured: Michelle Brodrick. Photo excerpts from the “official photographer’s” album (on Facebook). 😉

The next morning, after getting the boys settled and grabbing quick breakfast on the road, we headed back for a more casual open house for the show.

Once again, my favourite part of the whole thing was getting to catch up with good friends that I hadn’t had a chance to see in a while. ♥ Before too long (only 30 hours from the start of set up) it was time to strike the whole show, load up the van, and head home to collapse in a heap.

A heap that the children quite *literally* pounced on. Oh, boy…

Now, if I’m being completely honest with myself (and by extension, you guys)… part of the reason I haven’t posted in all this time is because the whole experience left a kinda bad taste in my mouth. I’ve been struggling to come to terms with the aspects that have left me disgruntled overall, and procrastinating about sharing in the hopes that my feelings would soften over time. But, no. Not yet.

No matter how many times…

I rationalize that above all else, it was a good learning experience…

I take pride in overcoming my fears, meeting deadlines, and getting the job done…

I express gratitude that it prompted me to set up a gallery on my main page, get new 3rd edition journals and fridge magnets made, and even sell a few pieces (to friends, after the fact) that I might otherwise have not…

No matter all of that, I am still left fundamentally disappointed.

I recognize that in spite of best efforts otherwise, I had expectations based on past craft fair experiences, and they were simply not met. I had hopes that by stretching outside of my comfort zone, I would achieve something even greater than I had previously experienced, and that simply did not happen. I had told myself that I would be happy with whatever the outcome, and I simply am not. But that, my friends, is life I suppose. And as they say, it is what you DO with what happens that truly matters. So. Now that I’ve wallowed and processed and taken care of business elsewhere, it’s time to start mulling my next move.

And that, my friends, is exactly what I’m doing. Next time, I’ll catch y’all up on the various goings on around the house and garden, and then we’ll take it from there. I hope the summer is treating you kindly and that this post finds you all well. Until then, cheers! =)Save


























2 Replies to “Lit Up: A Follow Up”

  1. Gosh, Kate, I am so sorry it was not what you imagined it might be. However, I DO understand, because so many of the feelings, and so much of the anxiety you describe here, could have been written by me. I must say though, that your work looks so wonderful hanging up there, and I really do think that a very big congratulations is in order!!

    I was so happy to see you pop up in my reader, and I am glad that you are having a good summer.


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