Prairie Skies

Prairie Skies

A few weekends ago, I had the great pleasure of heading off for a weekend with one of my dearest friends. As if on cue, as I was driving out of town, the skies parted and the sun shone for the first time in weeks. It. Was. Amazing! Naturally, I had to delay my ETA by just a little bit so I could stop and take some photos of the gorgeous scenery. I suppose there are at least a few perks about living where I do. 😉

What a wonderful way to start an even more wonderful weekend. =)

8 Replies to “Prairie Skies”

  1. Kate, these are just beautiful!
    I especially love the 5th one here.
    I see you’ve gotten snow also! 🙂
    We had a little bit, but it melted quickly.
    Got more yesterday, and if it stays as cold as it is now, it’s not going to be melting any time soon. Brrrrrrr
    Wishing you a wonderful beginning to your week!

    1. Oh, yes. We have snow on-and-off between November and April where I live. A constant cycle of Arctic cold snaps followed by warm-wind Chinooks… It makes for some challenging winter photography. 😉

  2. This photos are gorgeous, Kate. Each one special in its own way, but all with lovely composition and feeling. I’m glad you took time to pause with your camera. As much as I dislike the blahs that come with winter darkness, I think the light in winter is fascinating.

    1. Agreed! I find my photography takes a nose dive in the cold, grey winter months. But that low-horizon sun makes for pretty light. It’s just a matter of finding some nice subject matter. 😉

  3. There is an undeniable healing power of mind and body of a sunny day after a stretch of gray.
    I love the photo of the cows in the distance: such a cold still scene with a lovely rosy glow
    Your second to last with the long row of snowy trees is beautiful too.

    1. Thanks, Leah. Nice to hear from you! It’s been hard keeping up with blog-friends, lately, but I’ll try to pop around when things get a little less crazy. 😉

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