Gratuitous Baby Photo
So tired. So busy. So dangerously close to that slippery slope of skipping a day of blogging… which becomes two… which melts into a once-a-week thing… and then gets abandoned altogether. But I’m also stubborn as all get out. So darn it, you’re getting a post. The way I figure it, a gratuitous baby photo is better than nothing at this point. Especially when it’s of uber-cute monkey boy junior jr. Still, I am hoping things get back to “normal” soon. Cross your fingers for sleep for us, won’t you?
Daddy experiments with a new “do” for the baby. It makes me want to dress him up as a “Who down in Whoville” for Hallowe’en, don’t you think?
2 Replies to “Gratuitous Baby Photo”
WOW! I dont think you can call him a baby any more 🙂
Shhhh! He will ALWAYS be my baby!
😉 K